Justin Ribeiro, CEO of Stickman Ventures, Set to Deliver Speech at Connections Summit at Google

Connection Summit

Summit Focuses on how AIDC, NFC, and RFID Make World More Connected for Businesses and Consumers

Stickman Ventures chief executive officer Justin Ribeiro is set to speak this week at the Connections Summit at Google, a one-day event featuring over 25 speaker-led sessions, panel discussions, case studies and networking opportunities focusing on how Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC), Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) make the world more connected for businesses and consumers. 

"The connectivity that you can achieve with the latest APIs on the web platform is really changing the development conversation", stated Ribeiro. "I'm looking forward to showing use cases we've been fortunate enough to develop as we begin to test WebNFC and deploy progressive web applications into these new industrial contexts."

The Connections Summit, run in partnership by AIM, Inc., NFC Forum, and RAIN RFID Alliance. Commented Paula Hunter, executive director, NFC Forum: “With over two billion NFC-enabled smartphones in use helping to connect the almost 36 billion IoT devices in the world we are rapidly becoming a connected planet. The Connections Summit is a topical and timely knowledge exchange about the ongoing integration of technologies providing improved connectivity for IoT, blockchain, retail, transportation, healthcare and other opportunities.”

Ribeiro's talk, "Bringing NFC to the Browser with Web NFC API", is scheduled for March 7th, 2018 at 2:00 P.M. PST, in the Market Opportunities Track of the conference.

Source: Stickman Ventures


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